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You can find tips, basics, guide and more information about manufacturing processes and materials that we have learned from practice here.
What is The Laser Cutter: Basic Explained
The laser cutter is a cutting machine that enables precise and complex cutting of various materials. It uses a high-powered laser beam to melt, burn, or vaporize the material, thereby achieving precise cutting of the material into the desired shape.
What is G-code in CNC Machines?
This article introduces what is G-Code in CNC machining, lists common G-Code, common errors and how to eliminate them.
10 strongest metals in the manufacturing world
The strength of metal mainly depends on 4 properties: tensile strength, compressive strength, compressive strength and impact strength.
CNC Machining vs 3D Printing: Which is Better for Rapid Prototyping Projects?
Which is better for your customized part applications, CNC machining or 3D printing? Discover the practical distinctions between 3D printing and CNC machining.
Urethane Casting Explained: All You Need to Know
Discover the ins and outs of urethane casting with our comprehensive Ultimate Guide to Urethane Casting. Learn the step-by-step process, advantages, applications, and design considerations.
Injection Molding vs. Urethane Casting: How to Choose the Best for Your Production Needs?
This article aims to provide a comparison between injection molding and urethane casting to aid in making informed decisions based on your specific production requirements.
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