Brushed Finishing Service
We offer brushed finishing services to help your parts get a matte finish with linear fine linear or circular lines.

Brushing Specification
Using grit from #120 to #180, the brushing process creates a satin finish. It brings a smooth, glossy finish with fine, parallel lines. it is ideal for automotive parts, and architectural elements applications.
Materials |
Glossiness |
Grit |
Visual Appearance |
Metals |
Unidirectional satin finish |
#120, #150, #180 |
Smooth, glossy finish |

- Produces a visually appearing Non-mirror-like metallicfinish
- Covers minor scratches and defects
- Resistant to scratches and fingerprints
- Brushed finish may make the metal more susceptible to corrosion
- Irregular geometric features are unsuitable for brushing
Brushing Clean Finish
Metal brushed finish uses different types of brush to form uniform lines by grinding the workpiece surface, mainly to achieve decorative goals. This process not only helps to cover existing mechanical lines or surface imperfections but creates smooth, consistent new lines with sleek, satin-like appearance.
Brushed finishing services work with different metal materials, and the most common materials are stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and bronze.